Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Late Nights, Long Days

Late last night (about midnight here in Michigan), I was still awake, and working on some stuff for this film. The rest of my family was fast asleep, and yet I was awake staring at my computer as I attempted to write an e-mail to another Michigan composer. As I wrote the e-mail I thought about the film, and realized something that I hadn't thought about once since I began working on putting this film together. I realized that even when things weren't going well in my personal life, and even when I wasn't sure if this film was going to happen, I didn't give up on the film.

When I woke up this morning, I was amazed. I was the first one out of bed and fully ready for the day. The rest of my family took much longer to get ready for the day. My parents both were moving rather slowly, and my brother slept in. Somehow I had managed to sleep enough that when I woke up I was ready to go and get back to work on this film.

The hardest part for me so far when it comes to putting this film together is finding the funding (aka fundraising). I have never been very outgoing, so fundraising has never been easy for me. But I have found that it has gotten easier over the years as I have had more practice being an outgoing person.

Several people have read the script (besides myself). One person who read it, told me that it is written beautifully. When the friend that told me that told me what she thought about the script, I couldn't help but smile. The way she talked about the script, I knew that I had found something that would touch people personally when they read the script. I also knew in that moment that if I kept working at it, made the film, and got the film out there, it could touch even more people. That is the main reason I want to make this film happen. Another person who read the script told me that the issue of being gay/lesbian in the script made the story/script hard to read at times because of the emotions it provoked for her. That comment made me smile, after all the subject of being gay/lesbian isn't always easy to deal with and has a lot of emotions involved for many people for many different reasons.

When I began writing the script, I had no idea just how many different subjects that I would cover in the script. I just knew that I had a story to tell about a young woman who wants to become a concert pianist, who was adopted, who goes in search of her biological family, and who is a lesbian. Throughout the film gay marriage, straight marriage, music, adoption, and family are all topics addressed.

There are a lot of things I know about. And there are a lot of things I don't know about. I do know that I still need funding for this film. I would ask you to go to the following link and put some of your money (that I am sure you have worked hard for) into this film so that it is made. No amount put into this project is too small. No amount is too large. Whatever you can put into this film WILL be greatly appretiated!


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