Friday, June 3, 2011


Nobody ever said that making their first full length feature would be easy. But nobody told me just how much talent there is that wants to be a part of this film. Casting the film is going to be one of those things that is going to take a lot of thought on my part. I don't want to just get the casting right. I also want to cast people that will make the actuall filming something that none of us will ever forget.
Early today I opened my exel document that has all of the casting information that I need on it, and began making a chart of the different options of who I could cast in certain parts. In the end I had a table of different combinations of actors playing different roles to choose from. I then went through and color coded each option with a different color so that I could tell which options I liked the best and least. I still have not made any definate decisions as to who I am going to cast in each role. But I am a small step closer. It doesn't help that I still have three more auditions coming up in the next week and a half that will help me determine who I am going to cast in what role.

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